
Our commitment to Safeguarding

Warwick Bridge School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and well-being of its pupils, engages with young people and staff in policy and practice developments, proactively encourages feedback and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Safeguarding at Warwick Bridge School is first and foremost at the centre of our school and our local community. We pay due diligence to ensuring all pupils are safe and secure within our school. We work with families to maintain strong positive links and develop every aspect of a child's life. 

Staff are very vigilant and have professional curiosity towards keeping children safe.  All staff refresh their level 1 training each September. There is then ongoing regular safeguarding reminders, staff meetings or internal training throughout the year. 

We, at Warwick Bridge School, offer your child a safe, happy, nurturing environment, where children's wellbeing and safety are at the forefront. 

Please take time to view our Child Protection Policy on our website. Click here to view our Child Protection Policy. 


Designated Safeguard Lead

The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Warwick Bridge School is Mark Ashton.

He can be contacted on 01228 560390 or by email:

Deputy Safeguard Lead

The Deputy Safeguard Lead for Warwick Bridge School is Stephanie Day.

She can be contacted on 01228 560390 or by email:

Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2023

The DfE has uploaded the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education ready for implementation in September 2023.

You can find it here:

The new edition of KCSIE came into force in September 2023, and that occasionally changes are made during the year especially to paragraph numbering.

Click here to download Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Click here to download the Warwick Bridge School Overarching safeguarding Statement

Releasing pupils at the end of the day

To view our procedures on collecting children at the end of the day click here.

Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership

There is a wealth of information about safeguarding in Cumbria on the CSCP website. To access this, click on the link below.

Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership

You can also find information on Early Help here: Early Help information.

Family Action

Family Action – FamilyLine. A service available for all Cumbrian families 

Family Action are commissioned by Cumbria County Council to provide 0-19 Child and Family Support Services in four of Cumbria’s six districts – but there are services that are available to all families in Cumbria. 

One of those services is FamilyLine.  FamilyLine is a free support service available via telephone, text, email and web chat.   

Family Action recognises that family pressures can sometimes be difficult to manage without emotional support and guidance to help. Many people feel confused by what information is available or struggle to access services close to home. 

FamilyLine uses a network of volunteers from across the country to support family members over the age of 18 through telephone calls, email, web chat and text message. 

The service aims to: 

-provide both immediate and long-term support 
-help with practical information and guidance 
-provide emotional and listening support 
-help with understanding and accessing relevant services and information 
-provide regular one-to-one befriending support to service users feeling isolated 
-access to short term telephone counselling 
-a referral into our many projects across England and Wales, where relevant. 

Family Line is for family members aged 18 years old and over from anywhere in England, Wales and the Isle of Man. 

Opening times: 

Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm 
Contact details: 

Telephone: 0808 802 6666 
Text message: 07537 404 282 
If a family need support outside of those hours, they can leave a message and they will receive a call back in operational hours. If it is a crisis, then there is a crisis line to a trained professional 24/7 that can be access by texting FAMILYACTION to 85258.  This service is delivered in partnership with Shout. 

Full information can be found at   is recommended for parents/carers to access for support from Barnados. 

Barnados offer mental health services across the UK to help children, young people, and families when they need them most.  Depending on your location, this may include:

-cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
-support for children and young people diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
-support for young people who identify as LGBT+
-one-to-one and group counselling
-play and art therapy
-support for young people who have experienced trauma and abuse and their families
-school-based programmes that teach young people about mental and emotional well-being.